5 Things You Need to Know About Mindfulness Meditation

If you’ve been considering meditation as a way to enhance your quality of life, mindfulness meditation is one option that is worth investigating. 

This type of meditation brings you directly into the present moment, focusing on being intensely aware of what you’re feeling and sensing without any judgment.

There are a variety of factors involved in mindfulness meditation, including different breathing methods, guided imagery, acceptance, patience, and remaining open and receptive to new thoughts and ideas. In mindfulness meditation, there is no past, and there is no future, only what you’re experiencing in that moment.

In today’s blog post, we discuss five things you should know about mindfulness meditation.

It’s Very Easy to Get Started

This is one of those practices that doesn’t require a whole lot of equipment or planning, which should help you keep procrastination to a minimum. 

It’s always nice to use candles, essential oils, and other props, but they aren’t necessary. All you really need is a comfortable place to sit, an open mind, and three to five minutes of free time to start. 

Modern technology also allows us to experience high-quality guided mindfulness meditation straight from our smartphones with the use of apps.

It Takes Practice to Become Proficient

It’s important to remember that meditation is considered a ‘practice’ for a reason. 

At first, you may find your thoughts wandering all over the place, unable to get into the present moment no matter what you try. And that’s perfectly fine. Just like anything else that’s worth doing, the more you practice, the better you’ll become.

It Can Help Improve Your Mental Health

 It’s no secret that many people gravitate toward mindfulness meditation to try and relieve stress and ease anxiety and for good reason. 

The practice of mindfulness has been shown to help decrease stress levels which is a huge benefit in the modern lifestyle. If you find yourself stressed out and frazzled on a regular basis because of work, family, or just the overall hustle of everyday life, adding mindfulness meditation to your daily routine can work wonders on your mental health.

It Can Help Improve Your Physical Health

Along with the mental health benefits of mindfulness meditation, there may also be benefits for your physical health

Some studies show encouraging results that indicate mindfulness may help boost heart health, reduce cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s, enhance immune response, and reduce cell aging. These are a lot of benefits for something you can do in your own home, virtually anytime you like.

You Can Practice in Your Daily Life

As you practice mindfulness meditation and become more proficient, you’ll find that you can bring mindfulness into your everyday life. 

This helps for days when you’re so busy you can’t even donate a few minutes to sit alone in meditation. Many people are able to practice mindfulness while doing things like brushing their teeth, making dinner for the kids, doing dishes, driving, sweeping the floor, or walking on a treadmill.

The key to unlocking the benefits of mindfulness meditation is to approach it with an open mind and without judgment and just get started to see where it takes you. 

The Chicago Mind Solutions Difference 

Chicago Mind Solutions works with individuals, offering neuropsychological testing and non-invasive treatment for many mental health conditions. For more information about our treatments and teletherapy options, please contact us at (224) 723-5050 or email info@chicagomindsolutions.com.