Chicago Mind Solutions

Chicago area neurofeedback and eeg therapy

Home Neurofeedback FAQs

Neurofeedback FAQs

We are happy to answer any neurofeedback-related questions.

Is neurofeedback uncomfortable?

No. It is totally non-invasive. Most patients find it fun and relaxing.

Are there side effects?

 Again, no. Usually patients say they feel calm yet more energized afterwards – almost from the very first session.

How long are the treatments?

An average treatment would be for 30 to 40 sessions. Each session is 30 minutes long and at least two session a week is recommended for the best results.

What if it doesn’t work?

Neurofeedback doesn’t work for everyone. But because it doesn’t interfere with body chemistry and is completely non-intrusive, it won’t do any harm.  Generally improvements are seen by patients and family members relatively soon after treatment has begun. So there is a good indication if it makes sense to continue almost immediately.

Will it interfere with other types of therapies?

Not at all. In fact, many patients find it boosts the positive impact of other therapies.

Can you use it on young patients?

In many ways neurofeedback is the safest treatment for children with brain disorders but it has certain drawbacks. Children under the age of 4 may not be able to follow directions and focus enough for it to work. Older children may get bored and find it hard to focus. What’s more, the older a patient is, the harder it will be to make EEG changes.  Ultimately, it comes down to the commitment of the patient, whatever their age.

How long do the effects of neurofeedback last?

Studies have shown that patients treated with neurofeedback find that the improvement is profound.

Why do you need to do an EEG (electroencephalograph)?

In many ways neurofeedback is the safest treatment for children with brain disorders but it has certain drawbacks. Children under the age of 4 may not be able to follow directions and focus enough for it to work. Older children may get bored and find it hard to focus. What’s more, the older a patient is, the harder it will be to make EEG changes. Ultimately, it comes down to the commitment of the patient, whatever their age.