Reopening and Returning to Society

In recent months, our world has looked very different as a result of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. After weeks of practicing proper social distancing and respecting state guidelines, we have now entered the next phase of reopening our society.

Understandably, many people still have concerns and anxiety about loosening social distancing restrictions and returning to local businesses. Here are some tips for how to manage anxiety and make responsible decisions for you and your family.

 Tips to help with reopening

  •  Follow recommended guidelines

 Follow all recommended state guidelines such as wearing masks in public when appropriate and limiting large gatherings. Continue to practice healthy hand washing and hygiene.

  • Understand risks and make appropriate decisions

 At this time, the risk to the general population remains low. Be mindful of those in your household that are elderly or have certain underlying health conditions. Understand your relative risk and make decisions accordingly to safely reopen society while protecting the most vulnerable.

  • Remind yourself of the mental health benefits to reopening

 Resuming approved activities and socialization has positive mental health benefits. “Quarantine fatigue” is real phenomenon – taking some small steps to resume normal activities can boost mood, improve well-being, as well as make it easier to continue to safely adhere to the recommended social distancing guidelines still in place.

  • Utilize positive self-talk

 When experiencing anxiety about the virus, utilize positive self-talk to remind yourself the risk for resuming approved activities remains low especially when adhering to state recommended guidelines.

  • Connect and support your community

Continue to stay involved and support your local community. Consider patronizing local businesses and donating to local charitable organizations when possible. This increases social connections and helps keep the community around you thriving.

  • Seek help if you are struggling

 If you are still struggling, reach out to friends and family for support and consider seeking mental health treatment if needed. These are difficult times and appropriate mental health treatment can help to cope and begin to resume feelings of normalcy. Chicago Mind Solutions offers options to help with anxiety including at home teletherapy. For more information, see

Tips for children

These are particularly challenging times for children. Here are some tips to help them cope and begin to reintegrate into public activities.

  • Talk with your children

Talk to your children about their feelings and potential fears. It is likely confusing as certain activities resume while others may remain on hold. They may feel frustrated or disappointed about the cancellation of usual summer events. Its important to validate these feelings while also explaining the rationale.

  • Explain the reasons for masks

Younger children may be scared or confused by people wearing masks. Explain this helps us to protect others as well as ourselves. It does not mean everyone wearing one is sick or dangerous. It may help to purchase or make masks with fun, child-friendly designs.

  • Encourage them to resume appropriate activities

Encourage children to resume appropriate approved activities and get out of the house when possible. If they are feeling fearful, attempt to gradually reintroduce them to public activities and socialization. Consider starting with small, fun activities like purchasing ice cream or frozen yogurt from a local shop and eating it outdoors.

  • Seek additional support

If your child is still feeling anxious about the virus seek extra support. Chicago Mind Solutions offers mental health treatments including teletherapy that can be done remotely from home. For more information, see