Mental Health During the Coronavirus – 7 Useful Tips

The coronavirus has caused major changes and disruptions to almost everyone’s life. It can also be a source of considerable anxiety, fear, and frustration. In this time, it is important to take precautions to protect our personal health and the health of others. This includes proper hand washing, social distancing, and obeying recommendations of governmental agencies. But it is also important to remember to take care of our mental health during this time as well. Here are 7 helpful tips for attending to your mental health:

  1. Limit time spent reading or watching news
    • Try to limit the amount of time reading and watching news to 15 – 30 minutes per day.
    • This time is sufficient to remain up to date with important updates and headlines. Additional time spent reading or watching news will likely increase anxiety and fixation on the virus without providing any additional useful information.
  2. Make a routine and try to stick to it
    • Having a regular routine has enormous benefits for mental health. It can also make you more productive when working or doing school from home.
    • It may be useful to write out a daily schedule, including time for meals, breaks, and other activities.
  1. Plan activities to keep busy
    • Keep busy while at home. Fun activities can include puzzles, art/craft projects, taking online classes, baking or trying a new recipe, Sudoku, board games, or learning a language.
    • You can also take this time to do projects around the house such as organizing your closet, going through old photo albums, making home repairs, or clearing out your inbox.
  1. Be social while social distancing
    • Socialization is extremely important for mental health. This is challenging while adhering to social distancing guidelines but try to find creative ways to connect with others. This can include talking by phone or using apps like facetime, skype, zoom, or houseparty. This article has several helpful suggestions:
    • Now is also a good time to go through contacts in your phone, facebook, or other social media. Make a goal to reach out to 1-2 new people per day by phone, text, or social media.
  1. Exercise
    • Exercise is another way to stay healthy mentally and physically. For now, most guidelines allow for short walks outside while maintaining appropriate distance from others. Try to get outside for a walk or run if you can.
    • There are also many options for free at home workouts:
    • Simple body weight exercises like push-up, squats, and jumping jacks can be a great way to keep fit. Workouts don’t have to be long – try doing a few minutes in between streaming shows or during TV commercials.
  1. Self Care
    • Plan relaxing and soothing activities to help reduce stress and anxiety. This can include activities like yoga, mindfulness, and meditation; there are many guided meditations or yoga classes for free online.
    • Other relaxing activities include coloring in a coloring book, taking a bubble bath, reading books or magazines, knitting, or listening to classical music.
  1. Teletherapy
    • Some people may find they need additional support for their mental health during this time. Talking to a professional online can help.
    • Chicago Mind Solutions offers secure, online Teletherapy. Contact or call: (224) 723-5050 to set up an appointment.