What is Neurofeedback Therapy
Neurofeedback is a drug-free and non-invasive treatment option similar to biofeedback that trains people to regulate their own brain wave activity. Often described as brain training or physical therapy for the brain, it has been embraced around the world to improve cognitive functioning and treat various brain-related disorders for more than 50 years.
Using neurofeedback therapy to enhance neuroplasticity, Chicago Mind Solutions’ therapists help clients boost their concentration, decision making, and emotional regulation in addition to addressing sleep problems. Indeed, many satisfied clients have reported upon conclusion of their personalized neurofeedback therapy regime that they feel a new lease on life with a healthier functioning brain!
BrainAvatar by BrainMaster
Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback treatment that helps the individual learn to use different parts of the brain and different types of brainwaves to optimize functioning. Brain Avatar training using electroencephalogram (EEG) technology to measure brainwaves and provide EEG neurofeedback.
Brainwaves are a form of natural electrical signals within the brain, similar to the electrical signals that control the heart. Our brain has multiple types of brainwaves – slower brainwaves (e.g. theta waves) are associated with sleep and relaxation whereas faster brainwaves (e.g. alpha waves) are associated with functions related to focus, motivation, and concentration. Neurofeedback targets dysregulation and helps improve optimal brainwave functioning.
Brain Avatar training uses small sensors placed on the head. A computer program then analyzes brainwaves from different parts of the brain and provides auditory or visual feedback to the client. Over time, the individual increases their ability to use the desired brainwaves through a computerized operant learning protocol. Just as physical exercise can help strengthen our bodies, neurofeedback helps develop, strengthen, and train your brain. Brain Avatar Neurofeedback is like a workout for your mind!
Neurofeedback vs. Biofeedback
Biofeedback is a broad term and pertains to the measurement of the body’s function. Neurofeedback, on the other hand, measures brain activity.
The aim of neurofeedback treatments is to track an individual’s brainwaves to see if they differ from the norm.
Neurofeedback for School
Neurofeedback has proven to be an effective form of treatment that can help set your kids up for a successful school year.
This form of therapy treats a variety of mental health conditions, including ADHD, TBI, depression, and anxiety.
LENS Neurofeedback
Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) is another form of neurofeedback. This treatment is a type of brain stimulation therapy that utilizes a microcurrent neurofeedback signal. LENS treatment uses sensors to measure brainwave activity and these sensors then deliver a microcurrent neurofeedback signal that mimics brainwave frequencies. LENS technology allows us to target different areas of the brain to encourage the brain to rewire itself and utilize more optimal brainwave activity. This is similar to rebooting your computer to help it run more smoothly and efficiently.
The LENS neurofeedback signal is painless and noninvasive. In fact, our cell phones emit electromagnetic signals 1000 times stronger than the microcurrent neurofeedback signal used in LENS treatment. The difference is that the LENS analyzes our natural brainwaves and delivers a targeted signal that matches ideal brainwave frequency. Treatment sessions typically involve sending approximately three rounds of signals lasting a few seconds each, eventually increasing to 1-2 minutes depending on need. Clients are often surprised that a short, painless signal weaker than a cell phone can result in noticeable improvements over time. These short microcurrent neurofeedback signals serve to “jumpstart” different areas of the brain and remind it to utilize more optimal brainwave patterns.
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- Email admin@chicagomindsolutions.com
- Phone (847) 656-5080