Neuropsychological Testing: What You Need to Know

Inclusive environments mean making room for everyone to have a chance to be successful. All people are different people with unique sets of strengths and challenges. How do we truly identify what these are in individuals so that they can receive the proper supports and accommodations? Through neuropsychological testing. 

In this post, we examine exactly what this testing is, who it helps, and what the results determine. 

What is Neuropsychology?

First, it’s important to understand some basics about neuropsychology. 

This discipline is the branch of clinical psychology that pertains to how the nervous system and the brain impact our functionality. 

Instead of focusing on the structures of the nervous system, as neuroimaging techniques do, neuropsychology studies how the brain components perform their jobs. Consequently, clinical neuropsychology employs different assessment methods to pinpoint dysfunctions and functions and seeks to rehabilitate and treat patients with demonstrated or suspected psychological or neurological problems. 

What is Neuropsychological Testing?

Neuropsychological testing is an in-depth and detailed assessment used to assess intellectual, academic, and psychological functioning. It’s used for adults and children and offers diagnoses and recommendations to parents, teachers, and clinicians. 

A neuropsychologist completes a neuropsychological evaluation. These professionals are typically licensed clinical or school psychologists (with a Psy.D. or Ph.D. degree) who have also completed a two-year fellowship in neuropsychology.

More often than not, neuropsychological testing can prove to be a game-changer.

What is Tested During an Evaluation? 

Neuropsychological testing measures several areas, including: 

  • Social-emotional functioning
  • Academic skills
  • Visual-spatial skills
  • I.Q
  • Language and understanding
  • Memory
  • Problem-solving
  • Attention
  • Mood and personality
  • Executive functions
  • Learning skills
  • Reasoning skills
  • Processing speed
  • Attention and concentration
  • Reading
  • Motor speed and dexterity

Why and When is Neuropsychological Testing Performed?

It’s no surprise that testing is triggered by a change in behavior or a pattern of behavior that isn’t changing. Testing is performed due to the following reasons:

  • A noticeable or sudden change in memory or thinking capacity
  • To support and help rehabilitation or treatment of a brain injury or incapacity
  • To determine the strengths that can compensate for weaknesses
  • To figure out the skills to work on or adjust daily schedules
  • To improve cognitive abilities
  • For evaluation of mental disabilities 
  • To determine symptoms of Alzheimer’s, anxiety, depression, emotional disorders, or other brain changes

What Happens After you Receive the Results of the Testing?

Once the testing process is completed, the neuropsychologist prepares a written report after evaluating and analyzing the results. The report includes the diagnosis and treatment recommendations, and for students it informs academic supports, such as IEP and 504 plans.

Depending on the results, counseling, medication, or more medical tests for a clearer picture may be recommended. 

Certainly conduct your due diligence when seeking a provider for a neuropsychological evaluation by researching a candidate’s credentials and requesting referrals from people you know. 

We Are Testing Experts

Neuropsychological Psychological Testing is a service that Chicago Mind Solutions specializes in. For more information on this and our other treatments, please contact us at (224) 723-5050 or email